Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ernesto Memo to Larry: Drop Suit, Join Party, Energize Sponsors

Appealing to what could be described as Larry Ellison’s “common sense,” Ernesto Bertarelli - - America’s Cup Holder and two-time Defender who’s spearheading Team Alinghi - - today made a personal plea to BMW/Oracle Racing to “come about,” in sailing parlance, specifically:

Get your ENTRY PAPERS IN right away for the next America’s Cup challenge. You’re missing all the fun. It’s less than two years away. Get the agony over with. You’ve made your point about displeasure with the previous races. As the former Challenge of Record (previously BMW/Oracle) you’ve already missed crucial sessions of the newly minted Competitor Commission (private meetings between the five declared America’s Cup Challengers).

This commission, initiated by the Alinghi syndicate, gathers current Challengers to comment on the admittedly imperfect Protocol, in forum-type meetings, to define the new class rule(book) and competition regulations. After these firsts meetings, the rule and regulations have ALREADY been modified in more favorable ways for the Challengers. But only “entered Challengers” may attend these sessions and voice their opinions. “I would again appeal to BMW/Oracle Racing to enter the 33rd America’s Cup as a legitimate Challenger. It has been demonstrated that dialogue is possible for the better(ment) of this event, and it should be noted by them, that many areas of the(ir) concern have been addressed,” Mr. Bertarelli said.

Second, Mr. Bertarelli added, “We would also like BMW/Oracle Racing to consider that their (legal) action(s) are hindering the opportunity for other teams to enter the competition, and harming the ability of exiting competitors to generate SPONSORSHIP INCOME and properly plan their challenge.” (caps added). Spelled out by your Blogster: D R O P T H E L E G A L S T U F F.

So, HELM TO LEE, LARRY. Come about. Heave-to. Catch a breath. Pop your lightest chute and bring it on home, just like the last race’s nail-biter. (Implication: Only a spoil-sport comes in at the last minute, after having complained about the rules, then tries to ruin the event for everyone. The time has come to put up or shut up, so to speak….. Or, in a more positive way: Alinghi is extending an olive branch or two - - it’s almost the whole darned tree. Grab it.)

The ball’s in your court. It’s YOUR TURN. Grind up the charm, crank up your PR machine and spin the wheel of your ship of state a NEW DIRECTION - - into the Challengers’ Ring of Fire. Bring your skipper(s). Offer up your expertise. It’s needed right now as never before, but not from behind a legal smokescreen of entanglement, inventiveness and negativity.

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