Friday, September 28, 2007


Let’s hear what JUST ONE of the five Challenger teams is saying about the way it intends to compete for this trophy in 2009:

“The modern European America’s Cup competition has created an opportunity that hasn’t existed before. It is now possible to run a commercially viable team at this level. We have the best design, sailing, financial and management talent of a generation available to us. Never before has a British team had all the ingredients necessary for success at the same time. As a result we can compete at the America’s Cup in a manner that no previous British challenge has done before,” concluded Sir Keith Mills.

That’s fighting words uttered at the Southampton International Boat Show from Sir Keith (Team Principal). He concedes that this is “the oldest sporting trophy in the world, sailing’s Holy Grail and the only major sports trophy Britain has yet to win.”

They’re pumped, with a team where half were born in Great Britain.

They claim to already have a team where 70 per cent have prior America’s Cup racing experience, four were part of previous America’s Cup-winning crews, five sailed in the rather strenuous and taxing Around the World race, and two hold Olympic Gold Medals!

This team sees HUGE and BUILDING INTEREST in the next America’s Cup . . . all over the world!

So there, Mr. Caswell (see article immediately below this one). It ain't over yet.

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