Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Cup Disputes: Challenger Seeks Candor (1871)

Apparently, there’s nothing new about a “losing” America’s Cup Challenger trying to seek redress against the winning club. Back in 1868 - - that's 1 8 6 8 - - Mr. James Ashbury issued the first America’s Cup challenge on behalf of England. Following his loss in Cambria to the USA in 1871, the New York Yacht Club is said to have issued a letter to his host club, regarding Mr. Ashbury's whining CLUB-BASHING.

Here’s the NY Yacht Club’s so-called response: “There are certain acts a gentleman cannot commit. Whatever the cause, Mr Ashbury evidently thinks otherwise. With an apparent unconsciousness that ought to give offence, he seems to look behind every action for an unworthy motive, and seek in every explanation evidences of concealment and want of candor."

Apparently, this sort of response to Challenger complaints remains a common one for Defenders of the America’s Cup, even today!

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