Sunday, August 19, 2007

Why the Champ Wants Change

Let me ask: Why would the Defender, the winning team, decide to change two of the key rules, even if they seem to “penalize” them in no small way?

By specifying in the Protocol for America’s Cup 33 (AC33) that the next regatta should be conducted in 90 footers, the Alinghi champs are saying: “Hey, we’re willing to toss out our winning design and winning boat to EVEN UP the odds, guys. We can win - - in larger boats, too, with more crew, more massive sails and faster (scary-fast) boats, just watch us. And, we're willing to put our money where our mouths are!”

Second, by specifying that AC33 should be raced only TWO years away, instead of four, the Defending Champs seem to be saying: “Not only can we beat (out sail) all Challengers, we can do it WITHOUT four long years of testing, tweaking, agonizing and training. And in doing so, we probably can even let everyone save a little money along the way!” But why would they be willing to give up the Cup in only TWO years instead of FOUR?

Any why not? Thanks, guys! Gutsy, gutsy.

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