Thursday, August 9, 2007

America's Cup 33 Blog: Helm to Lee!

Blogger Hoar:
Biff Halyard

The 'Swiss' Win

Protocol Lives

Mug Survives

33rd Looms . . .

. . . Biff Says:
"All Hail. We are not worthy!"

For 99% of the participants, it's time to slink home and wonder what happened. What did happen, anyway? We had new sails. We practiced and practiced. We bought the best skipper and crews money could buy. And our designer--What a guy! We had everything. We spent a few bucks, but hey, who's really counting...after the first million or so.

For the lucky one-percenters, winning is sweet--you get to build your own trophy case, make (up) the new rules, choose the next venue, pick the judges, select the just about anything to make things most favorable for you and your countrymen, and less so for your fellow racers. This isn't just winner take all, it's winner owns the building, boat and challenge. Just the way the New York Yacht Club designed it be. Sweet!

- Biff Halyard At the Masthead

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