Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Coutts to Hire Crew for 90-Foot Monohull?

Biff from the Masthead - - Heard on the streets of Valencia:

Can it be that three-time America’s Cup Winner Russell Coutts, newly minted Chief Executive Officer of the BMW/ORACLE Team (Larry Ellison’s USA hopefuls), sees the handwriting on the wall and is out scouting crew for the Alinghi-preferred 90-foot MONOHULLS -- while Larry is out talking up having the preliminary elimination heats sailed in Dennis Connor-like CATAMARANS - - with the first races pitting the Defender guys themselves against BMW/Oracle-ers?

It makes sense that CEO Coutts would be out recruiting on the docks in Cup venue Valencia, Spain, to cover all bases (all hulls, too - - mono and duo), since one doesn’t win that Auld Mug three times without knowing what the heck one’s doin’. Getting an early start on hiring deck-ape pro’s seems the right thing to do.

At this point, Defending champs led by Ernesto Bertarelli have indicated that they favor the building of an entirely NEW America’s Cup boat, “more exciting” 90-footers, for the next races. But Oracle CEO Ellison has already announced he favors early challenges to be sailed in “neutral” boats - - totally new styles and shapes (not even in sloops with main, genoas and spinnakers, but in superfast, superbad, two-hulled thrill-riders) - - to prove once and for all that his team can best the Alinghi juggernaut…and do it REALLY FAST, too.

Guys, guys. Why not go ALL THE WAY and sail in one of those giant new offshore TRIMARANS (If two hulls are good, aren’t three even better?), like the one that just came into New York Harbor. They CRUISE at 20-30 knots and can top 40 knots in ideal conditions, as well as tow three water skiers faster than most would ever want to go!

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