Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cup Appeal: How to Build a U.S. Audience

There you have it. I've said it.

The major TV networks won't cover it. The Cup event is filled with its own jargon. Sailing itself has its own mumbo-jumbo. The rules, both for racing and for this specific event, require armchair lawyers to interpret. What's a guy got to do to build an audience for this fabulous sport!

Seems to me America's Cup 33 guys (teams, managers, etc.) could use a hand getting the word out.

Idea: Can't someone - - ANYONE -- VISIT each of the major U.S. TV networks: ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX, then the major cable guys.

Tell them you've got a great story to tell and are willing to share it with them.

Remind them about your giant audience, the availability of sailing commentator/experts, the exciting highlights of the last few events.

And, finally, that it's gonna take FULL SUPPORT of the COUNTRY to win this baby back, not not the millions and millions of dollars from a few of the Big Boys.

Of course, these are BUSINESSES first, then NEWS OUTLETS. Bring along a few potential NEW advertisers for them to temp their palates.

I mean, I defy a SURVEY to be taken of people on any sidewalk in America - - Did you see ANY of the America's Cup action on TV? What about on the World Wide Web?

You didn't? Would you have liked to? Are you interested in this sport?

Can you name ANY of the teams that raced? How about ANY of the countries represented?

Come on guys. You have time now to begin setting the stage for a MAJOR presense in the U.S. media market.

On your mark, get set - - GO GET 'EM. Pretend you're selling soap...and mean it. (Remember, there's a long, long line ahead of stories ahead of this one.)

- Biff Halyard, Blogster

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