Monday, February 4, 2008

Sex, DRUGS & Rock 'n Roll

Finally, some sex, drugs and rock 'n roll in the America's Club - - the stuff of news media interest!

Daringly, according to, the International Sailing Federation has CLEARED NZ's Simon Daubney of charges that he tested positive for cocaine metabolites (not cocaine itself). The Swiss Olympic Association had ALREADY CLEARED HIS NAME ("not infringed the anti-doping rules...."), hence the description of "daringly," for the ISF.

(He defended himself with the concept that someone might have slipped it into his kool aid or whatever.)

He subsequently resigned from the ALINGHI squad, before racing with them for the Cup, and that was that. Now, we find out the whole thing has been tossed. Sorry, Mr. New Zealander. Go back to living your drug-free life.... Good luck with this black eye on your record. Sorry.....

This was, apparently, the FIRST America's Cup "doping" mini-scandal...ever. Gosh, these guys are clean cut!

Best of luck getting your life back together again, Mr. Daubney. If you're also an attorney, maybe the barristers working for Alinghi or BMW/Oracle need an extra hand preparing their next filing? They seem to have a few bill-able hours left on their contracts!

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