Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Court Again, Without a Paddle


Ka-ching, in the coffers of the lawyer non-sailors.

Obviously, if you follow the America’s Cup saga at all, you’ve heard (maybe not?) that the Alinghi and America’s Cup Management guys have tossed the ball back to the New York judge and cried: “You didn’t get it. You didn’t understand us guys and the larger issues at stake. You….need to hear it from a local law firm’s aces! We're counter-suing for justice (and because we can)!”

At stake, the usual things: When’s a yacht club a yacht club, who’s the legitimate Challenger of Record, and what-the-hell sort of boats and when-the-hell are they going to get a round to designing, bulding and racing them?


The magnificant supporting facilities in Valencia, among the big arguments for having the next event there, are slowing dying - - leases are/have expired, the rats are leaving the sinking ship, and the local chamber of commerce is trying to put a positive spin on this high-end, one-use property (only high-end if it hosts an America’s Cup now and then….).

We should know something, finally, this month about the next America’s Cup yacht, be it a barge with keels, or a 300-foot canoe powered by the energy of brass balls clanging together.

As they say on Wall Street: “Wanna hot tip. Buy high and expect to lose everything, unless you happen to win, by some miracle of fate or technology or skill, the usual vilians in all this.”

For the more curious among us: Let’s have our own version of an Iowa Presidential caucus: All in favor of having the next Cup held in New York Harbor, in gold-plated New York Yacht Club Swan 44’s, say: “Aye!”

"Stay tuned."

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