Sunday, October 7, 2007

Two Class Acts: USA Hosts Alinghi Chief

Without fanfare or public announcement, Ernesto Bertarelli, 42 (!), two-time America’s Cup winner (Alinghi) hopped into his jet this past week and zoomed over to New York and San Francisco to “drop in” on two famous local yacht club venues - - you guessed it - - the New York Yacht Club on Manhattan’s West 44th Street and then the famed St. Francis YC. American-born Ed Baird (Alinghi helmsman and impressive sailor in his own right) joined the parties.

As all sailors know, the New York YC held the America’s Cup in its clutches for 132 years. It was securely housed in a gorgeous glass case (your Blogster saw it there a few years back) virtually in the entranceway of the club, among the stunning scale models of America’s Cup boats of years gone by. The San Francisco club hosted Ernesto, who spoke sans notes for 35 minutes, having sold out the event in 49 minutes. His reception was both upbeat and pleasant.

Anyway, both clubs rolled out the red carpet and, and in one case, lobster and Italian wine, your Blogster has been told, welcoming Mr. Bertarelli seemingly as a long lost relation – with open arms and all the camaraderie and respect that could be garnered from these high-end, global racers. The New York City-based club has already placed a photo of the visit on its web site at .

Of course, it didn’t hurt that Mr. Bertarelli had BROUGHT WITH HIM the ACTUAL America’s Cup for everyone to see (but not touch, without white gloves, and not without permission if its two “body guards”). Needless to say the private dinners at each club were “sold out” and great fun for all. Members lined up outside like it was a Bruce Springsteen concert at the Meadowlands arena in New Jersey.

New York Yacht Club Commodore Charles Townsend hosted an exclusive dinner for about a dozen of yachting’s elite. Startlingly, the Cup was placed more or less in its original place during the visit and, apparently, seemed quite at home (“No hard feelings if we keep it awhile, Ernesto?” someone must have thought to ask…but didn’t.) No insider info available on this confab, sorry.

The next day, Mr. Bertarelli was back at the NYYC in spaces, which they graciously made available (remember, he’s got THE CUP with him), to meet with variety of news media big- and small-fry, while attempting to re-new and expand interest in this august event. Media included radio and print journalists, asking everything from what’s the cup made of, to what did he have for breakfast that morning, it seemed. One "reporter" (Cory Friedman of Sailing Scuttlebutt) pretending to be a public defender, tried to rattle Mr. Bertarelli with convoluted legal questioning, but Defender "defended" himself with credibility and style, it's said.

To one and all, the current cup holder answered with an engaging dignity and the credible humility required of world-record holders, your Blogster has heard.

No TV bothered to show in NYC or in SF. Maybe this visit conflicted with local criminal activity or Hollywood puff pieces from Paris Hilton.

Anyway, what did they serve the Defender while at the New York Yacht Club?

Maine Lobster Salad, Herb Crusted Lamb Boil and Lamb Porterhouse, and Fresh Berries “Napoleon” with Mascarpone Cream and Crème Anglaise. It was all prepared by Executive Chef Antonio Cinicola. They washed it all down with a fitting Montaribaldi Moscato d’Asti (2006). Just thought you’d like to know.

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