Monday, October 29, 2007

Detroit Reporter: Auditioning for Alice in Wonderland?

Of late, the Detroit Free Press ran a purported “news story” regarding the BMW/Oracle vs. Alinghi et al hearing in New York Supreme Court in New York City. There are so many errors in “Reporter” Eric Sharp’s short article, one wonders if he wrote this on the way home from an all-night binge, or just likes to make things up as he goes along.

He attempted to “frame” Larry Ellison’s lawsuit (BMW/Oracle) as a race between giant catamarans or trimarans. Where does he get this stuff, off a cereal box decoder ring?

A few FACTS:

* During the brief hearing (see articles below), the subject of the legitimacy of the Challenger of Record’s “yacht club” status was culled out by the judge as a point for discussion, which lawyers on both sides of the room commented upon.
* So-called Reporter Mr. (Not-So) Sharp comments that, “It’s clear that the Spanish club was set up as Alinghi’s puppet….” Says who? Please provide a name, Mr. Not-So (Sharp). Your Blogster can’t find anyone who has said this anywhere. (Some may think it, but that's not what he "reported.")
* He adds that the Challenger of Record that was selected somehow relates to tourism dollars in Valencia and dollars for Allinghi. It does? Hello: The big dollars go to the DEFENDER. Other major dollars go to the city – every competitor has to eat, sleep and keep their boats going. Just as in any other city. (By the way, Mr. Ernesto Bertarelli of Alinghi fame is SWISS, not SPANISH, and a billionaire who might be a bit hard to “buy” or “sway” with money from a tiny Spanish city well off the beaten path, i.e., a long, long, long drive from the Costa del Sol to the south, and everywhere else, for that matter.)
* He claims that Allighi has already started secretly designing a 90-footer for the next America’s Cup. Where? How? Who? This is big news, but only if it were true, since the Alinghi guys and the Challenger guys are still very much STILL TALKING (a.k.a. arguing) about the displacement, possibly the size and just about everything else about the next America’s Cup yachts. In fact, Allinghi has asked the Challengers to come up with suggestions for displacement parameters of the next yacht, a major concession and NOT a requirement by the Deed of Gift. Skipper Russell Couts (BMW/Oracle) is driving many of these changes himself…. But that’s another story. But, of course, his input is limited, since his team has yet to actually ENTER the race as an official Challenger - - of Record, as previously, or Challenger Racer or ANTHING ELSE, for that matter. “You gotta be in it to win it,” as the NY State Lottery proclaims on a regular basis on US TV.

Mr. Not-So, if he may be called that, also reported the judge would be issuing his ruling in TWO to THREE weeks. Wrong, he clearly stated TWO WEEKS. (What he does, of course, is what he does. No New York judge likes to be held accountable for his own self-imposed schedules or deadlines, no matter how optimistic or unlikely, but at least get one of the basis facts correct, Not-So.)

Not-So “notes,” confidently, without quoting any living soul: “Most sailing experts agree….” Your Blogster has yet to find ANY SAILING EXPERTS that agree on much of ANYTHING regarding most regattas, let alone on much about the America’s Cup. The rest of his article further embarrasses most objective reporters, as well.

Here’s a comment your Blogster believes MOST sailing experts WILL AGREE ON: “Many reporters just don’t do their homework, or rely on only rumor-spreaders with an axe to grind, or just write too fast with too few facts. It’s so sad, especially when others honestly want to know ‘what’s happenin’, so to speak.”

Let’s skip the Detroit Free Press as a source of Cup info, no matter how “Free” the paper has become. The “Truth” takes time to gather and “Facts” to support. This story seemed to have had little of either.

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