Friday, July 25, 2008

ACM's Parting Shots: Got Nuttin'

Michel Hodara, who just resigned as the CEO of America's Cup Management, the Cup's governing body, was just interviewed in (click on headline for story), which asked:

Does your former organization have any sponsorship at this point:

"You have two different sides to this question: The event and the team.

The Event: At the moment, we do not have a product. No date, no venue, no event. The 33rd America's Cup does not exist yet in terms of sponsorship product to sell. We accept this. It is like if you own a bakery and you have no bread to sell. You wouldn't feel pressured not having customers, would you?"

There you have it. Long Live the Cup, but the organization's CEO and marketing chief admits the entire revenue-generating side of the operation is kaput. What's a simple Blogster to believe?

The Team: We had Brad Butterworth (Sailing), Grant Simmer (Design and Boat Building), Lucien Masmejean (Legal) and myself(Marketing/Admin). So despite my departure, the management structure is only little affected.

Can it be, the next America's Cup 33 will never be, since racing is only part of the battle? Marketing and advertising still play key roles.

Will the Cup forever sit on the throne of the world's most neutral (& secretive) country?

We're listening. We're waiting. And we've been doing so a long, long time.

Let's stop blaming the lawyers. It's the chiefs - - sit in a room and thrash out the issues. Why rely on a judge whose courtroom has no view of the water and even less on the ball when it comes to sailing? Let's settle this like men: Pistols at 50 paces (or, at least some posturing, posing and agreement, globally). Enough is enough. Exit the gladiators. Enter the boatbuilders and genoa pullers. This isn't the UN - - set to dither into the next century. It's a handful of guys with a common love of competitive sailing (and parties). Give a little; get a lot.

Who will step up and seize the day for the masses of sailors worldwide? Stay tuned.

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