Thursday, November 29, 2007


Your Blogster has to totally disagree with the spoilsport at the Rule 69 Blog regarding the recent America’s Cup ruling that went against the Alinghi team. (Gee, a European who loses against a US team in a US court. Your Blogster is shocked.)

Anyway, his self-proclaimed “hand-grenade journalism” (Magnus Wheatley) claims that Ernesto Bertarelli has taken the low road on preparing for the next America’s Cup event. (Apparently, hand-granade means totally fabricated, as convenient) He describes them as having “petty euro politics, money-grabbing, self interest and back-biting.” Apparently he doesn’t get out much.


The Alinghi guys have won the cup, fairly and square, TWICE. These guys are good, great even, if you really think it through and by any measure. They've won handily in other regattas, as well.

Next, Alinghi and the America’s Cup Management (ACM) organization seem to have honestly tried to keep things moving ahead smartly - - they quickly worked with all of the Challengers (even with the boys at BMW/Oracle) to develop a new, more exciting and faster class of boats, and they decided to hold the regatta SOONER rather than four long years away. Most of the requests from the Challengers were carefully evaluated and honored. What winning team has EVER done this? Of course, they slipped in a lot of favorable items for themselves. And why not? That comes with being the winner -- in ANY sport. The winner makes the rules. Which is why a new winning team feels so GREAT - - they not only beat the Defender, they beat the Defender on his OWN TURF, embarrassing one and all on that team.

The result of all the work sown by Alinghi and ACM? A blossoming of champions: Everyone is salivating to get on with the sailing and the heck with the politics. They are eager to build and race this monster boats. Advertisers, yes, seem to holding back a bit, but advertisers traditionally are careful and analytical. They’re spending gobs of money and want some return on it. Who doesn’t?

Further, at his own expense, Mr. Bertarelli just flew to New York City and met with officers of the New York Yacht Club (as hard as this is to imagine) trying to drum up NEW Challengers, AND out to California to meet with the boys out there. His reception and the general mood of all participants - - who jammed both clubs to see and meet him (and congratulate him openly) - - was a combination of awe, respect, pleasure and fun for ALL. There wasn’t a hint of ANYTHING negative, according to your Blogster’s sources. And he brought along his Skipper, too.

Thus, are we “better off” that BMW/Oracle won their lawsuit, as Mr. Wheatley contends, tossing the paper-club Challenger of Record?

How could this be true? Now, most all of the work for the past six months goes out the window and event managers and coordinators go back to Square One or less.

How can this be positive? Tell me. I’m waiting.

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