Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Alinghi Comments on NY Ruling Favoring BMW-Oracle

Your Blogster wouldn't normally run a direct, word-for-word report from ANYONE, but this one is so perfectly worded, so bland yet threatening, and classy, it bares repeating in toto (but your Blogster can't resist commenting, in capitals, on certain phrases):

New York, 18 March 2008) In response to New York Supreme Court Justice Herman Cahn’s order today designating Golden Gate Yacht Club (GGYC) as America’s Cup Challenger of Record (CLENCH TEETH HERE) replacing Club Náutico Español de Vela (CNEV) (A SMOKING-GUN CLUB?), lead counsel for the defending yacht club, Société Nautique de Genève (SNG), Lucien Masmejan, issued the following statement (MORE OF A 'GOOD GRIEF WE LOST' REBUTTAL): “Following today’s court order, Larry Ellison has eliminated the competition (REALLY?) and gained access to the America’s Cup Match (DIDN'T HE ALREADY HAVE THIS?), a feat BMW Oracle Racing has never been able to achieve on the water (HOW UTTERLY TRUE).

While we are disappointed (FLUMMOXED?) with the outcome of this court order and believe that the matter of GGYC’s certificate of challenge wasn’t properly addressed (PROBABALY TRUE), we have decided not to appeal the decision (WE DON'T THINK WE'LL WIN IN THIS CENTURY) and we look forward to getting the fight back on the water and meeting BMW Oracle Racing on the start line of a Deed of Gift Match in July 2009 (AFTERALL, WE'VE ALREADY BEATEN THEM SEVERAL TIMES!),” Masmejan said.

Should Alinghi win the Deed of Gift Match (IN SOME SORT OF CRAZY CRAFT), the Defender is committed to getting the America’s Cup back on track for a world class multi-challenge event in 2011 in Valencia, Spain (WE'LL DO IT OUR WAY, NO MATTER WHAT). “The challengers can be assured that the 34th America’s Cup will be run with the same vision and commitment for a premiere multi-challenge sailing event that they supported in Valencia in 2007,” Masmejan concluded. (WE'LL FINALLY GET OUR CHANGE TO RUN THE DANGED THING....)

Again, phrases in capital letters have been added in the interest of ongoing clarity.